
Moving To High School Essay

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As a child, my parents gave me some very valuable advice. "Be nice, do not steal, stay honest, respect your elders", and the list goes on. Apart from the few listed so far, the most encouraging advice has come from my mother. Of my two parents, my mom has always been the most financially aware. She takes her finances seriously and has instilled this very quality in all of her children. Before my family and I had the opportunity to move to the United States, we were placed in several conflicting financial situations. The most memorable one to me has always been the one that shaped my life. At the age of three, my parents made the decision to send my brother and I to a boarding school in a neighboring country. This was a huge change but a very positive one. Positive in the terms of how it allowed for my parents to have some financial relief. …show more content…

A course which is now a state required class to graduate in the state of Virginia. After having been Informed about this requirement, my initial thought was, “About time!”. The one thing all students have always asked for was a class that could really benefit them in the long run. My econ class was one of my favorite class of my high school career. I had the opportunity to take it with one of the best teachers at my school! The best thing this class has given me was the opportunity to take the Wise test. “This national standardized test is administered to students at the end of a course on personal finance.” It also awards students that have passed the test with the WISE Certified Financially Literate designation, demonstrating that they are financially capable when they

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