Moving Up The Truth About Getting Ahead In America Summary

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Author Robert McKinnon in his work, “Moving Up: The Truth about Getting Ahead in America” has discussed factors that affect our chances of achieving the American Dream. In the article, "Moving Up: The Truth about Getting Ahead in America" Robert McKinnon argues that “it is easier to stay at the top then it is to rise from the bottom.” Throughout the article McKinnon illustrates the three most important factors when it comes to moving up in the social class to achieve the American Dream this includes: mobility, hard work, and the fate of our birth. Although McKinnon proved all these factors to be vital when it comes to living the American Dream, I believe that hard work is the most important when it comes to achieving the American Dream. So, …show more content…

soil and that it is achievable to all, McKinnon insists that the American Dream is surely possible when mobility, hard-work, and the fate of our birth is considered but I believe that being a hard worker is most important. Although I agree that is harder to climb to the top when you are at the bottom because of the lack of ability especially financially, in my view, I believe that hard work is important when it comes to living the American Dream because it is what kept our parents and grandparents to continue working even when they wanted to give up. Life is full of twists and turns. Everyone struggled here in this world to overcome every obstacle in the way to success. For this hard work is necessary and the results are always fruitful. To reap you must sew, so without working hard it will be difficult for one to be successful. In today's world competitive world everyone wants to be wealthy and successful. Whether it may be a successful actor, designer, realtor, or inventor luck had nothing to do with it, but hard work does. When it came to The American Dream, people believed that if they worked hard enough they would be able to sustain a better life for those behind them. Success may be described as the realization of any goal. Hard work is essential, ultimately, helping us to …show more content…

Unfortunately, this does not account for institutionalized racism, unequal access to education and services, and a system that perpetuates a growing divide between the rich and the poor. In McKinnon’s article he argues that our location of birth has an affect of how we are born: poor, rich, or middle class, “The reality is that where you’re born matters tremendously. where you start in life, unfortunately, has a huge impact on where you’ll end up. Think about it. A zip code is not just a number, it represents everything inside of that area – including the hospital in which you are born, the schools where you attend, the streets on which you will play, the stores and restaurants that will feed you, and the jobs to which your parents and eventually you might have access.” But I totally disagree whereas many middle-class citizens are now lower class because many of them were never taught the important of finances which ultimately led to too much consumption. I believe that when living in poverty and in poor neighborhoods or areas it really pushes children to strive to be better. In retrospect, our upbringings do play a huge part in who we will be but not where we will be. It ultimately comes down to will we fight for happiness and financial success or be defeat by turmoil and poverty? Everyone has a chose to rise to greatness or tumble to