Mr. Dave Egger's The Circle

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Current Internet Technology is Better Place for
Source of Information, Communication and Socialization
In the 21st century, new technologies of today have been playing a major role in our everyday life. Without it, new generation might be a nightmare. The massive technological innovation make our society a better place. The book titled the Circle, a 2013 novel written by Mr. Dave Eggers, describes a young women named Mae Holland, who is hired to work for the Circle, the most powerful internet company and also mentions lots about new technology developments. Based on Mae’s interaction inside and outside the Circle, Eggers attempts to suggest that internet technology is a great place for source of information, communication and socialization because it carries many different kinds of information, it is faster, dynamic and more comfortable, and it can access for all. …show more content…

With this technology, people is able to send, and share just about everything with each other. This sharing is the main source of knowledge and business development. For instance, Eggers remarks that “You run business. You need to participate online. These are your customers, and this is how they express themselves, and how you know if you’re succeeding” (132). Moreover, the novel also states that the Circle develop other new product called “CircleMoney” for everyone to send all purchase online through the company by avoiding cash payment to make easy for online trading transaction (172). Part from that, people can meet and make friends from everyone and also create their popularity via this new internet technology. According the Circle, many movies stars, at the present, try to use this internet technology in order to persuade their fans to follow their Zing feeds and also attempt to send messages to everyone to get more attention on them (133). Therefore, this new tech innovation is easy for everyone to access to