Mr. Palmer's Advertisement For Joining The Tennis Team

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We created an advertisement for Mr. Palmer, the tennis coach, regarding recruiting new players for the boys tennis 2015 season. This ad will reach out to people within our school showing the benefits of playing tennis. We spoke about what he wanted on the advertisement and how we would get the message across. He explained to us his needs and wants. He “needs” an advertisement recruiting new players, within this he “wants” us to provide information about the season and explain the benefits. Our target market is any boy looking to play a spring sport. Joining the tennis team has many benefits, including getting in shape and making new friends. You do not have to have experience playing tennis to join the team, anyone is welcome regardless of …show more content…

Palmer, and he requested we made an advertisement regarding recruiting new players for the boys spring season. Many high schoolers enjoy sports and love the experience of playing. Students are always looking for new opportunities to get involved in different areas of our school. Mr. Palmer informed us the benefits of playing tennis and we have reached out to people seeing if they are looking for these things, and many people are. The tennis team is different from many of the other clubs, it provides a sense of school spirit and allows you to feel involved in a deeper way. Everyone on the tennis team has a different skill set, no one should feel discouraged because of inexperience. The team is for anyone and everyone should feel that they could join. If sports are not for your there are always other options, anyone could reach out to one of the coaches to be a manager. There are endless ways to get involved with the team and people should explore these options. Although tennis is not less competitive than the other sports, it is more laid back and appealing to those who are less athletic. The product will be advertised at our highschool and will be directed toward any male student with no other