In return, the old women and Mr. Shiftlet began to negotiate the terms in which Mr. Shiftlet would marry Lucynell in turn making poor young Lucynell a pawn in their game to see who can get what they want faster (Walters). All said and done Mrs. Crater had played right into Mr. Shiftlet’s hands and had agreed to pay to have the car painted, let him keep the car, and give him Seventeen-fifty to pay for their honeymoon, all so she could get what she wanted the whole time. A son-in-law. Not only had Mrs. Crater made multiple selfish decisions that affected her but they also affected her innocent daughter. By being so “ravenous for a son-in-law” Mrs. Crater willingly even though unknowingly caused her daughter to be deceived and abandoned by her …show more content…
Shiftlet uses holy matrimony to young Lucynell merely to serve his selfish aims of getting his hands on the Crater’s car (Walters). After saying “I do” down at the town hall Mr. Shiftlet begins to feel uneasy as he tells Mrs. Crater “That didn’t satisfy me none” (153). This quote shows how Mr. Shiftlet is starting to feel the effects of is selfish ways as it has gotten him into a situation that he cannot escape from. In fact, Mr. Shiftlet a master deceiver, has now experienced his own self deceiving that have come from his countless selfish actions (Walters). After Mr. Shiftlet deposits young Lucynell at the Hot Spot diner he does not give another thought to his actions or the situation that he has left Lucynell in or how those actions may have serious consequences to both of …show more content…
Shiftlet yelling at him “You go to the devil!”(156) right before he jumped from the moving vehicle. Though little did the boy know Mr. Shiftlet had been in the Devil’s party for a very long time (Walters). After the young boy leaves Mr. Shiftlet alone by himself once again, Mr. Shiftlet see a dark turnip shaped cloud forming in the sky and he begins to feel as if it is “about to engulf him”. As the cloud gets closer to him Mr. Shiftlet feels the need to talk to God and he prays to him, “Oh Lord, break forth and wipe the scum from this earth” (156). This quote shows how Mr. Shiftlet is starting to realize that there is a great deal of rottenness in the world that is corrupting all that is good and that he is part of that rotten “scum” (Walters). After Mr. Shiftlet prays to God rain begins to fall down upon his car like “tin-can tops”. In response to this storm coming to wash him and his selfish rotten ways from this earth Mr. Shiftlet stomps on the gas and he “raced the galloping shower into Mobile” (156). This shower is Mr. Shiftlet’s way of being forgiven for his selfish deceit but by running away from this storm Mr. Shiftlet is in turn denying forgiveness and is not willing to deal with the consequences that may come with