I slam the car door shut and sprint to the front of the school. I arrive to the doors to see a huge crowd, it was the day before I started 5th grade and I was going to find out who my teacher was. I squeeze through the crowd and look at the top row of papers. Scanning each sheet of paper for my name. Found it! “Mrs.Broderick?” I say the name out loud, pronouncing it wrong. I got the new teacher. Seriously?! I groan in annoyance and stomp back to the car. I know I was being dramatic but she was not the teacher I wanted. I open the car door and force a smile on my face. My dad smiles back, and then we were gone. I only spent one year with Mrs.Broderick, but that one year was enough for me to completely adore Mrs.Broderick. Rebecca Broderick is one of the most magnificent, magical, kindest person I have ever known. But eventually I had to leave to middle school. …show more content…
Mrs.Broderick was so fabulous, leaving her was extremely difficult. But, adversity is something we all have to deal with. I learned how to deal with this adversity by using humor. When I was in Mrs.Broderick’s class, I was a class clown. I love to make people laugh, and when I was in her class. I really did. Using this skill, it taught me how to remember all the good times I had in that class without being sad over them. But simply enjoying the fact that I had those