
Mrs Dubose's Maturation In To Kill A Mockingbird

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The second plot line that was removed from the movie is the Mrs Dubose morphine addiction. Both Scout and Jem have their own paths of maturation during the events of this book, and one of the largest watershed moments on Jem’s path of maturation was Jem having to read for Mrs Henry Lafayette Dubose. After Jem destroys Mrs Dubose’s flowers with a baton he got for Scout, Atticus forces Jem to read to Mrs Dubose every day for five weeks, Jem listens to his father and every day, he goes to Mrs. Dubose’s house to read to her in bed. Little does Jem know that he is really helping Mrs Dubose recover from a morphine addiction. This is explained when after weeks of reading Mrs Dubose finally dies, this doesn’t come as a shock to the children as she was …show more content…

Mrs. Dubose won, all ninety-eight pounds of her……. She was the bravest person I ever knew." after this Jem became a different person, he realized that bravery isn’t the easiest thing but its standing for what is right, just as Mrs Dubose had, she could’ve died painlessly dosed with morphine but instead she decided to do what she thought was right and power through the withdrawals and pain to die on her own terms, this standing for what’s right theme becomes recurrent during the trial because Tom Robinson was doomed from the start, even Scout realized that: “In the secret courts of men’s hearts, Atticus had no case.” and yet Atticus still decided to defend this man because it’s what he thought was right much like with Mrs Dubose, Atticus is doing what he thinks is right even though he knows he was “licked before he even began” just like Mrs Dubose fought addiction knowing full well she had a large chance of losing, yet she still decided to do it because she decided it was the right thing to do. With this scene cut from the movie we not only see a crucial Maturation point removed but possibly the most important theme of the entire book: Courage is standing up for what you believe is

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