
Mrs Mallard Repressed

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Kate Chopin's "The Story of an Hour" is a short yet powerful story that centers on the character of Mrs. Mallard, who experiences a range of emotions in just one hour. Mrs. Mallard's initial reaction to the news of her husband's death is shock and grief, but her emotions shift as she sits alone in her room. She experiences a sense of freedom and joy that she has never felt before, and this realization ultimately leads to her tragic death. Mrs. Mallard from "The Story of an Hour" is a complex character who embodies many emotions and experiences. She can be described in many ways, but four adjectives that accurately capture her character are repressed, liberated, fragile, and conflicted. Mrs. Mallard is first introduced to the reader as a repressed character. She is married to a controlling husband who significantly influences her life. As the narrator states, "There would be no one to live for during those coming years; she would live for herself" (Chopin 1). This line shows how Mrs. Mallard has been living for others, not herself. Her husband's presence has restricted her freedom and prevented her from living her life to the fullest. Fully repressed emotions are evident in her initial reaction to the news of her husband's death. She weeps uncontrollably in her sister's …show more content…

Mallard is a conflicted character. She experiences conflicting emotions and desires that make her character complex. For example, she loves her husband but also feels constrained by him. She wants to be free but is uncertain about how to live. Mrs. Mallard's conflicted character is evident in her reaction to her husband's death. She initially feels sadness but quickly begins to experience a sense of liberation. However, this liberation is followed by conflicting emotions of fear and uncertainty. Mrs. Mallard's conflicted character makes her human and relatable. Her emotions and desires are similar to those of many people who struggle with making choices that will affect their

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