Mrs. Maloney: A Short Story

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……..She had to find a reason to say why she was laughing so she beginning crying.

“Mrs. Maloney are you ok?” Noonan said coming into the room she was in.

“Yes I’m just having a hard time taking this all in and the baby were suppsoded to have, won’t get to meet their dad” explained Mrs.Maloney snobbing.

“I’m sure it will be all fine and we will make sure everything with the baby works out” explained Noonan walking out of the room.

“I can’t believe we still haven’t found the murder weapon it has to be here somewhere.” said Charlie and the officers began to talk about what they were going to do next about this case.

Meanwhile, Mary Maloney was in the other room packing her clothes and everything she would need if she were to leave. Mrs.Maloney …show more content…

Maloney was getting out and coming to the house. She was unaware of the fact that the officers had caught up to her and were understanding more and more of the investion. Also that Jack had noticed her packing her things to leave. As Mrs.Maloney was coming home she was thinking that she could come through the back door grab her stuff, leave and anyone could wonder were she went but nobody will know. As she was about to pull into the drive she noticed that the officers were still at her house with the fingerprint deticve Adam.

“Adam no” thought Mrs.Maloney “If they find out it was me, I can’t follow through with my plan and keep my child safe and my child with a mother in jail and a father dead I can’t do that to my child.” As she thinking the same thoughts that came into her head when she killed her husband about her child kept repeating. Mrs.Maloney knew after everything that she been through she was going to have to stand strong and make it through this. All this stress on a pregant women is not good as you will see soon.

“I just remember something,” screamed Charlie in the middle of silence “Mr.Maloney was talking about how they might sepreate, maybe for some reason Mrs. Maloney took it as the only thing that she could was kill