Mrs Wong's Therapy Treatment Plan

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Treatment Plan Mrs. Wong’s therapy begins every morning when she wakes up. First, we will assist her in taking a shower including, transfers from the bed to the bathroom, and practice reaching for products in the shower. This is an important part of the intervention plan because it is a required skill Mrs. Wong will need if she wishes to live independently. Afterwards, we will assist her in dressing. To begin, we help Mrs. Wong position clothing, but as her therapy progresses, we should begin using voice cues and having Mrs. Wong complete the task independently. Such as, prompts to encourage use of the left limb, to locate items on the left side of the environment, and for overall task completion (Nilsen, Gillen, Arbesman, & Lieberman, 2015). …show more content…

Wong’s arm and hand function. The goal is to maximize repetitions of reaching, grasping, transporting or manipulating, and releasing various meaningful task objects (Nilsen, Gillen, Arbesman, & Lieberman, 2015). For the arm, we will use exercises that focus on the vertical and horizontal movement at the shoulder. These movements will be important to put groceries away in kitchen cabinets, grabbing clothes from a dresser, and many other activities. For Mrs. Wong’s hand and fine motor movements we will practice sewing, an activity that is important to her. Sewing or knitting, utilize many hand and finger muscles. This is prompting Mrs. Wong to engage in activities she finds important, alone with strengthening her muscles. Sewing or other hand-based activities will be completed …show more content…

Wong’s feelings of anxiety and depression, we will employ two techniques. First, we contact Mrs. Wong’s family, and see if they will visit her at our facility. Family centered care is beneficial to stroke patients in areas of assessments, interventions and outcomes (Visser-Meily, Post, Berlekom, Van Des Bos, & Lindeman, 2006). During the assessment, family members are able to understand what their loved ones recovery process looks like. Also, family members are an essential part of patient recovery, and are likely to be a part of caring for Mrs. Wong, after she leaves our facility. Thus, they can learn therapy interventions alongside Mrs. Wong that can assist her in the recovery process. Lastly, having family members observe Mrs. Wong’s hard work, and tremendous outcomes creates a positive, and hopeful environment. Family is an essential part of the recovery process for stroke patients, and having loved ones present will help make Mrs. Wong feel better, thus helping with her depression. Another intervention to help Mrs. Wong cope with her feelings of anxiety and depression is getting her out in the community. Once a week, Mrs. Wong will be taken out into the community, this can include, shopping, movies, or other activities Mrs. Wong enjoys. An example is, she loves going to church, so having her attend daily or weekly mass allows her to look forward to an event, and it gives her a sense of normalcy because it is common activity she participated in

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