Multiculturalism In Australia During The 1900's

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After the events of World War 2 in 1945, multiculturalism in Australian popular culture has emerged significantly. Evolving through the forms of food and tourism/ travel multiculturalism has contributed to the modern Australian identity. World War 2 left Australia with a much smaller population and the government realised that they needed to “populate or perish” As a result immigrants looking to find better lives started arriving in Australia between 1947-1963 brining new foods and customs. Food from different cuisines became a major part of Australian culture during the late 1900’s with many different types of food becoming available throughout the country. Forms of transport changed within Australia, as the increased population, caused …show more content…

Australia experienced much diversity of cuisines as a result of the many different people living in Australia however, many different types of food didn’t become popular until much later. In 1945, 300 restaurants were operating within Australia and 23 of those were Chinese, the first international cuisine readily available within Australia. Fish and chips also became popular within Australia during the 1950’s and as it was before the time of plastic containers people had to improvise with how to carry their bought food; taking up saucepans to carry food. During the 1950’s and 1960’s meat production still relied on grazing, meaning that many people ate more beef and lamb before increasing factory methods increased the consumption of chicken. The Australian diet also dramatically changed in the 1950’s with the influx of food from Italy and Greek such as; zucchinis, capsicum, eggplants, globe artichokes and the previously maligned garlic. The 1960’s however saw the arrival of fast food chains such as McDonalds, KFC and Pizza Hut which didn’t become popular 20 years later. The 1980’s was a big boom for international food within Australia with fast food really taking off and many different cuisines becoming popular. The most popular food in 1980 to 1990’s as shown in the survey was French, Italian, Japanese, Greek, Indian and Chinese. The cuisines of Thai, …show more content…

Food and travel have played a large part in Australian culture influenced by many other countries customs and beliefs. It has become more apparent within since the late 1900’s as many different cuisines and food become available to the Australian public as takeaways and packaged food. Travel has also become very popular with the interaction of people travelling international between Australia and the rest of the world. As a result Australian multiculturalism through the mediums of food and travel has evolved significantly since the