Multidisciplinary Approach In Health And Social Care

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Much is known about the increased prevalence of malnutrition and its adverse effects on health and well-being. As a result, the United Kingdom has invested in campaigns such as ‘Nutrition Now’ to increase awareness of the importance of hospital nutritional management, as a method to decrease malnutrition. As a result of series of these efforts, knowledge of public’s nutrition is likely to increase, however there is a little doubt if the knowledge can play practically on their daily life. For example, when five hundred patients aged 18-75 were asked nutrition knowledge in England, more than 90% of respondents were aware of recommendations to decrease fat, sugar and salt intake, indicating these basic messages being successfully conveyed. However, …show more content…

Fortunately, some clinical areas such as diabetes have already formed MDT including diabetes specialist nurses, dietitians, and other workers with diabetologist leadership. For example, Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust(3) reported that their team which was one of the largest MDT in UK had excellently delivered ‘mentoring and support for primary care clinicians’ ‘providing training to 85 practice nurses’ ‘providing structured patient education’ and so on.
A multidisciplinary approach involves drawing appropriately from multiple disciplines to explore problems outside of normal boundaries and reach solutions based on a new understanding of complex situations. Multidisciplinary and Multiagency working involves appropriately utilising knowledge, skills and best practice from multiple disciplines and across service provider boundaries, e.g. health, social care or voluntary and private sector providers to redefine, re scope and reframe health and social care delivery issues and reach solutions based on an improved collective understanding of complex patient

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