Mummies Should Not Belong In Museums

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In this Informative nonfiction,Mary Kate Frank, Do Mummies Belong In Museums ? We read about reasons that mummies belong and do not belong on display. I think mummies should not be displayed in museums because it's disrespectful,there are other ways to learn about Egypt, and Egyptians went to great lengths to hide the pharaohs . One reason why mummies should not be displayed is that it's very disrespectful. I know this because on pg 19 it says “After all, those shrouded bodies were once living people with families and friends, just like us.” also on pg 19 “Ancient Egyptians believed people’s spirits returned to their bodies in the after life.” This evidence means that the pharaohs did not want to be bothered because they were real people. This matters because would we want to be tampered with if we were hidden after death. …show more content…

I know this because on pg 19 it says “That may be but does gawking at mummies really add to our knowledge? The Egyptians left plenty of artifacts behind. Their pottery, jewelry, and tools, on view at museums around the world, help create a picture of the past. We can also learn about ancient Egypt online and from books and documentaries.” This evidence means that if there weren't any other artifacts mummies would've been our only way of learning about egypt. This matters because the pottery and other stuff that the Egyptians left in the tombs helps us learn about who the person was. We don't need mummies, we only need the stuff that's not the