
Murphy's Monkeys: A Narrative Fiction

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Murphy woke to the soft caress of fingers lightly stroking across his lower back and the soft whistle of Bellamy’s breath on his ear. A short laugh trickled up his throat as he turned in the other man’s arms, nuzzling his face into the crook of his neck as he wrapped one arm across Bellamy’s waist. He reared back slightly to brush a kiss over Bellamy’s jaw, nipping slightly when he heard him take in a sharp breath. Murphy lifted his eyes to take in the full view of the dopey grin on the other man’s face and he couldn’t help but to lean in and to capture his lower lip between his own. This seemed to wake Bellamy right up because soon he was moving his own lips against his, his tongue slipping past Murphy’s lips to draw a soft moan from him. It didn’t take long for the kiss to turn into a challenge as Bellamy sucked at Murphy’s tongue, curling it around his whenever he tried to take the upper hand in the kiss. …show more content…

Fell asleep while mapping again? What, is that like the fifth time this week?” Clarke’s head had lifted about half way through her question, and she froze in her steps when her eyes settled on the rumpled boy. It was almost a familiar sight now to find the boy in Bellamy’s tent in the morning and Clarke couldn’t help the soft smile that edged onto her lips. “Murphy fell asleep while we were mapping out the new territory we covered yesterday.” Bellamy cut in quickly, his calm voice making up for the haste of his answer. But it didn’t matter. Clarke still carried a smug look on her face as she nodded along with what he said. “Okay, sure. Well, like I said Harper is sick so I need you to take over her guard shift at noon. Think you can get away from your boyfriend long enough to do that?” Clarke held in her smirk until the last moment, and once she hit her point she let it stretch across her lips until it started to hurt. “What? No, Bellamy isn’t my-” “Murphy just fell asleep

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