Mutual Consent Registry

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Right to Know Your Biological Parents In a survey of American adolescents, 72 percent of adoptees wanted to figure out why they were put up for adoption, 65 percent wanted to meet their biological parents, and 94 percent wanted to know which birth parent they look like (“Birth Family Search”). Simple reasons like these are not the only reason some adoptees want to find their biological parents. Some adoptees have diseases or illnesses that could be treated and possibly cured if they knew their biological parents, knowing their biological parent is a basic civil right, and many just do not feel like they know themselves until they get to know where and who they came from. If an adoptee has a disease or illness that could be treated better …show more content…

A mutual consent registry is a means for individuals directly involved in adoptions to indicate their willingness or unwillingness to have their identifying information disclosed. Approximately 31 States have established some form of a mutual consent registry. (Access to Adoption Records)
This mutual consent registry is an amazing start to letting adoptees know their biological parents. If the adoptee and the biological parent are both okay with giving their information to one another then they can, and they possibly reunite with one another. This registry should be imposed in all states. Everyone should be able to know who their parents are. An adoptee’s biological parents are they reason they are even here. Not knowing the reason you are here can be really hard on a …show more content…

In some cases the adoptee does not care to know who their biological parent is because they feel complete already. “If my birth mother came and found me, or we somehow came across each other, that would be fascinating. But I 've decided to leave it in the lap of the gods” (Garland). Rosie Garland was adopted and never found a need to find her birth parents because her adoptive parents were all she needed. There are several adoptees like her, that do not feel the need to find their biological parent, but there are still several that do. Some adoptees do not feel complete without knowing their biological parents, and a person should never have to go through life feeling