My Antonia Quotes Analysis

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Even before the novel, we are given the Latin quote “Optima dies… prima fugit,” or “The best days are the first to flee.” Due to its placement in the novel, it is obvious that the quote is valuable to the text. It also seems to be the recurring theme in My Antonia. Said theme being, your best days go by much faster than those of your worst. Perhaps the best character that can symbolize this theme within the book is Jim Burden himself. During the novel, while narrating he often reflects an aura of nostalgia. Creating the setting of a wistful adult regretting not enjoying his more, cheerful days as much as he does now. The majority of the storyline is purely Jim reminiscing on his days of living on his grandparent's farm. Even as the story continues into his less, pleasant days, he starts to talk less of what is happening in the present and more regretful memories of his childhood. …show more content…

525) Jim is reflecting on the times him and Antonia had their boisterous adventures through the overgrown fields. It indeed gives us the gloomy perspective of missing your, as the quote would say, best days. Even if Jim seems to appreciate the path he chose, he still can't help but look back on his childhood. Just as Antonia says, “ Everybody thinks about old times, even the happiest people.” (pg. 237) Jim Burden didn't think about how much he would miss being a child until he was no longer one. Yet as displeased Jim may have been he was still able to notice that this was the cause of his actions. He never once blamed anyone else for his own mistakes. “When I closed my eyes I could hear them all laughing— the Danish laundry girls and the three Bohemian