My Childhood By Dillard Analysis

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While reading the essay by Dillard, I reflected on my childhood and thought about a time where I embraced a challenge. The one memory that stands out in my mind would be when we were all hanging out in the neighborhood with some boys. They told me that if I took a rock from the road where the tar was just laid, it would be a bouncy ball. I was younger and wanted to prove to my sibling’s and the other kids that I was just as “cool” as them. The kids were egging me on and convinced me that it would bounce. I was gullible but thought that they might have been wrong. I still dug out a rock and threw it at our neighbor’s window. Unfortunately rocks with tar do not bounce, but my mother’s hand on my bottom did. I was a follower at that moment in time. …show more content…

I am mostly white with a bit of Hispanic, I wasn’t sure where I fit in. I grew up in a mostly black and Hispanic neighborhood, that didn’t make it any easier. My “group” consisted of a bunch of us misfits that didn’t really have anywhere else to go. I think that I sought out kids that had homes like mine so it made it easier when we couldn’t go to each other homes. When I read Desmond-Harris’s essay I could relate, especially where she talks about finding her coming of age when she find a group she can relate to. It helps when you find somewhere you fit it, it makes you feel