My Ethical Decisions In The PDP Class

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Throughout my life my parents were always explaining the difference between right and wrong. They were always guiding me to make the right decision and also to not lie about anything. My parents kept telling me that lying will eventually get you in trouble which is hard to see since sometimes the punishment isn’t seen right away. With my major this is not a major topic since we are designing structures. There is really only one decision to make and that is to make a stable structure. When I entered college I already had a strong foundation in ethics and when I leave I will have an even stronger foundation in ethics. In my freshman PDP class we learned some Ethical Principles which were value of life, goodness or rightness, justice or fairness, …show more content…

The same handout from PDP describes goodness or rightness as “Ethical decisions should involve the principle of the greatest good for the greatest number. Doing good, in addition to refraining from doing evil, is required so that the consequences are good for the individual and for society” (Thiroux, 1986). A good example of exemplifying this characteristic is volunteering in the community. In high school and at my church this was always something that I was doing. When I came to Bridgewater and found out that PDP had to do service learning, it felt good to know that helping the community was valued by the college. Truth-telling or honesty is something that I always see happen and have always wanted something to happen about it. When I got to college I started to see that the professors would not put up with the excuses about late work or missing class. This made me feel good since I was putting in a lot of hard work to turn assignments in on time and to also be at class. This strengthened me to keep up what I had been doing all my life and that lying gets you into trouble. I also felt good that cheating was dealt with through the honor council and that people were not getting away with