My Greatest Accomplishments

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When I being awarded my Eagle Award, facing family and friends, reflecting on my past; a feeling that I am so blessed by so many things and people. Naturally reflecting on my past goals and challenges, I dreamed of my future goals. The numerous events and people that got me to this triumphant point, and long ambition of mine, overwhelmed with thoughts and emotions.
When I started in 6th grade as a young scout, witnessing older boys, that appeared as men to the younger me, be awarded their Eagle Rank. Accordingly, their confidence and achievement seemed too distant and surreal for this young boy to ascertain. I listened as they told of their many adventures and obstacles to achieve this rank. Upon hearing that only 4% of Scout earn this rank and it would take many years to achieve, it appeared unsurmountable. Nevertheless, Introspection on who I wanted to be and what I wanted to made me decide that this would be my goal, regardless of the sacrifices, perseverance would prevail.
Notwithstanding, many years later, reflection the many humorous times, dangerous escapades, and incredible trips that had occurred. Retrospection brought to light many life lessons learned during this fantastic time. Assisting with carrying an injured Scout down a 14,000-foot mountain, …show more content…

Understanding, that if I set a goal, even if many years in the future, I can achieve it. I realized that short losses were worth the long gains. I appreciated that I did not earn this alone, but with support and sacrifice of so many around me. I become conscious the many basic life and community lesson I learned will carry with me for years. I was proud that I had set a goal and achieved it. I understood that in the next phase of my life, I can take all of these lessons, and people to achieve my next goal of earning my college degree. Today, that is earning a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of

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