
My Mistress Eyes Are Nothing Like The Sun Essay

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Shakespeare uses “My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun” gender to illustrate that female in society are powerless, and men are dominant. In the title of “My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun” (page 589) to reveals that the relationship between the mistress and the speaker’s position of power. The word “My mistress”represents that the speaker which is a male contains a higher level of power than the Mistress. In which the speaker’s power was considered nature by society or tradition. The speaker stated as if the mistress is like a slave that belongs to him or have ownership over of the “mistress.” Mistress is defined as a side girlfriend or dating girl to a married man. It also revealed that man contains more power than female gender …show more content…

In this sonnet, it revealed that man is more powerful than women because the mistress did not say anything or response to the speaker’s commented on her looks. The mistress does not seem to have the power to even respond to his comment of her. I felt as if men at that time of the period as the traitor of their loved one for another female. On the other hand, females could not get their second male or second husband. The speaker views the mistress as a lower power female because the speaker said: “but no such roses see I in her cheeks;.” If the mistress has higher power, then the speaker would not have the ability to say anything bad how the mistress looked. Here is a line that shows females in the society are powerless, “If snow is white, why then her breasts are dun.” to reveal the comment of the speaker to the lust of men. The sexual desire that men can comment or talk about how a female looks inside. On the other hand, women are taught in a way that they are not able to talk about their sexual desires and how men should be doing for their sexual needs. Therefore, female genders in society seem powerless and weak as to lower classes of poor

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