
Steve Jobs: The Importance Of Diversity In The Workplace

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1. By the age of 3, I became tutor for my older classmates, teaching them how to calculate and read books. Yet at the end of our term, the tears burned out my face as I was the only person still stayed in this class, cannot move to the higher level due to not enough age. However, this tutor experience prompted me to be responsible for training new employees in any companies I have worked.
2. From the middle high school, I was only the person staying farthest from school. However, I never took any days off in my school life, even when I got sick. My friends often say that if anyone wants our class learned in any year, just ask Thanh.
3. The first time I performed in the large crowds is in the play of primary school. I didn’t believe in my eyes when having multiples claps …show more content…

I learned how to use sign language to communicate with Deaf people and enjoyed the silence environment in during 1 month. The most incredible lesson I learned is that everyone has his/ her own ability. “Disabled” does not mean “Unabled”. Even they can work together as a team better than any “normal” group.
18. Steve Jobs is always in my inspiration. Whenever having wrong things that others force, I usually watch Steve Job’s speech: “You time is limited, don’t waste it living someone’s else”.
19. I experienced overcoming the fire and the broken class in the intensive training. The high feeling of achievement still lasted until now.
20. I used to cry loudly in the film theatre when seeing the touching scene. Although there were many audiences looking at me, I still continue to cry.
21. I am the person who are . my friends and my colleagues feel excited at joking me.
22. My friends named me as “turtle” when seeing me learning swim at the beach. Ironically my goal is to learn how to swim at the beach as I want to conquer the difficulties. But when I can swim after 5 training day, my friend so surprised about my achievement. But now they still call me turtle, but as a signal of a person who can

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