My Personal Statement

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A commitment to self-improvement is the core principle that guides my personal and professional life. For me, this means constantly striving to become a better husband, father, employee and citizen by seeking out and taking advantage of opportunities to improve my life in these areas. I believe that one of the best ways to show respect to those who depend on me is to work towards becoming the best possible version of myself. I was not always a person that others could rely on. When I was 22, I dropped out of college to pursue a career in music. I began drinking, clubbing and getting high a lot. A great deal of my friends and acquaintances were involved with illegal and illicit activities. I was putting myself at risk of being arrested or even killed just by being around them. I certainly was not setting a good example for my siblings and I was being anything but a good citizen. After wasting three years of my life I decided to enlist in the Navy. It was a decision that totally changed the trajectory of my life. Being a part of the Navy gave me a feeling of self-respect and responsibility that I did not have before but what meant more to me was how proud my mother and siblings felt about my service. …show more content…

I had been away from my wife and kids for about eight months and it was taking a toll on them and on me. Although I was very proud of my time spent serving my country, I felt, at that time, that I needed to do a better job as a husband and father. For me, that meant being in a position to be there for them everyday. I decided to take a job in construction while attending college at nights to complete my undergraduate degree. By the time I completed my degree, I was able to trade in that construction job for a position as a Legislative Budget Analyst for the New York State