
What The Military Mean To Me Essay

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Choosing to serve the country allows people to do something impactful in their life. For example, if one is passionate about helping people, the military might be the best case for them. As the military is what helps support the citizens of the country they reside in. Helping people no matter the cost is one of the most important things in this world, it allows character and morals to build. While helping others may provide a different type of fulfillment other than something materialistic, it can allow you to actually change someone's life, even if it is the smallest bit of kindness someone can offer. By helping and protecting others it creates a better world and atmosphere for people to grow in, allowing for future generations to continue …show more content…

Having a parent in the military has allowed me to thrive in a loving and caring environment where the people that you meet and bond with end up becoming somewhat like a family. In which even after you separate from them you can continue to be in contact and still keep that bond with them. Even through the highs and lows of life they continue to be with you even from the long distances the military puts people through. Which in my opinion has made my life a lot less stressful than it would have been if I had not been a part of a military family. It has offered me opportunities I would have never had if I was not a part of this family, and by joining the military allows me to continue this trend and maybe make someone's life better by creating a support network like the one I’ve grown up with in the near …show more content…

So public services allow for those who have been dealt an unlucky hand to have a second chance and by participating in public services it can change your perspective of life, causing a shift in ethics, or it could even make a lifelong bond with someone you are serving or serving with. While public services do not always tend to people they can also be focused on tasks involving the environment and even animals. By helping the ecosystem it allows humans to continue to thrive. This is important because everything from the soil, the air, water, plants, and animals, are all connected and intertwined. As if the water becomes contaminated it can lead to the soil being affected and the animals that drink from the stream be connected. Even then the water could eventually end up being found in someone's boat or even drinking water. But as the animals and plants become contaminated the animals or humans that eat these contaminated items can possibly get sick. Such things that can come from just water contamination can include: diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid and even polio. As this is just one specific example there are many others that can be examined like, air pollution, garbage landfills, toxic chemicals spilled, oil spills, or even disasters like what happened in Ohio, East Palestine. While some events can be prevented some happen to be accidental

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