My Political View Analysis

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I believe that my political view is the best view for me. I follow my own morals and do not care what others think about it because it is my own opinion. One such opinion is on gun control and how it should work. Guns should be able to be purchased by anyone who is not a fellon and has a criminal record, or people who do not have the brain function to work the firearm, or do not pass a test screening determining whether they can own a firearm. All firearms should be legal that are up to semi automatic without restrictions. Weapons that are fully automatic or silenced require additional licenses. Another view I have is woman have the right to choose. Woman should have the right to choose to abort if they do not want to carry a child. Abortions …show more content…

Every person has dignity and value may seem not right for the death penalty, but think about what the purpitrader did to their victims. Did they consider they have dignity and value before doing the things they did to them? Probably not. Every person should have as much freedom as possible to do the things they want to do. If a woman does not want a child, no one should stop her and say that she must have one. Woman have the option to choose whether it does not go with your morals or not. It is her decision and hers alone if she wants to have a child at that time. She should have the freedom to choose how she lives her life and what she does for it. Finally we need to compromise on laws for gun control. Most Americans that support the 2nd amendment do not mind if they have to take a test or see if they are qualified to handle a firearm. They know it would keep their families safer knowing someone unfit to get a gun cannot get one. We get mad when you ban firearms and create laws to limit the guns we can buy and how they operate. The 2nd Amendment is not going anywhere because they know if they take that away from us they will know what is coming for them. We need to compromise making both parties happy and feel they both have what they