My Short-Term Goal: A Career As A Medical Assistant

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My short-term goal is to find a new job. I like my job right now but it’s starting to take a toll on me. I work at an assistant living for over 4 years now, and I’m starting to get attached the residents. Some of the residents I got the closes with have passed away or moved into a nursing home. Where I work, we aren’t allowed to have that personal connection, so when someone moves away, we aren’t allowed to go visit them. I would like to work at a hospital or a clinic. Somewhere that will help me received a medical assistant job. I completed my resume and placed it on so wish me luck. With that being said, my mid-term goal would be to complete the medical assistant program at Kaplan on the Deans list. I was never one who cared about there grades. In high school, my parents moved me from Arizona to Iowa and to get back at them I thought it would be a good idea to not try in school. So getting on the Deans list the first term of Kaplan surprised my family and I! I want to show them I can do it all through Kaplan. …show more content…

I moved out of my parents’ house when I was 18. I got a dog and when the landlord found out she was half pit bull, they kicked us out. I’m not sure if pit bulls are banned where you guys are from, but they are around my town. Its impossible to rent anywhere with a dog, let a lone a pit. Knowing that I wasn’t going to give up on her, I saved up enough money to buy a house. Only being 23 and saying I own my own house is an awesome feeling but an expensive task! After I graduate school and find a better job, I think I’ll be able to save a little and not have to live pay-check to