
My Soul, My Darkness: Poem Analysis

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My Soul , My Darkness

I’m standing beside the sea, watching the tides rolling around the pebbles with itself. It is a mystery itself. No one knows what it carries ,till u dive down the water .I always come here watching the sea , fascinated by its beauty. I wish my life was as rough as this sea for I wanted to taste the tides in my life. I wanted to be moved around the life along with the tides of my sea.
For my sea is still with no tides to push around my foes. My water adopts to the space given by the owner .it depend on the owner how he treats me for I have no strength like these tides , at least these tides have a hope that no one can mess with them so easily.
My reason doesn’t just stop there. I come here every day to mark a hope in my mind that I can escape through the sea even if there isn’t any land around here. Every time I come here , there’s is a battle inside me between my heart and the brain , that whether should I escape from my miserable life or should I stay where I am and battle through my still water to cause some tides in them . But I know that if I follow the path through the sea, my only destination would be death. But then, my life is no more miserable and painful then the death is. Should I choose this?
I have been coming to …show more content…

Today I have no hope, today I’m telling my story to you for I have made a decision. Today is the most important day of my life. Today is my birthday .on ones birthday, the birthday boy is given what he wish for. But I would like to fulfil the tides wish and I know what they are currently wishing for. They want me to reach them so that they could open their mysteries to me. But there’s its drawback. You have to let go of a thing to get something and today I have to let go of my life, in order to conquer their mysteries .very few of the people are aware of them and I want to be one of these special

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