My Trip To African American Narrative Essay

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During the summer of 2016, my trip to Pemba, Mozambique in Africa changed my life drastically. Not only changed my life because I was on a mission trip, but changed my life looking at through the eyes of race. While I was there I would listen to great speakers, go on outreaches to other villages, pray for people, hangout with other missionaries, and hangout with the kids on the base and just have a good time. While the time hanging out with the native kids there on the base, I would get asked to buy their necklaces they made or give them food or water. Not only broke my heart because it made me realize how blessed I am, but while I was talking to a long-term missionary there in Pemba it made me look at race at a whole different perspective. However, one conversation would leave me thinking.
While I was talking to the long-term missionary I was asking all sorts of questions because I feel called to be in the missions. However, we started talking about why the kids would ask for money or for food …show more content…

There are many assumptions on where you live because someone can be African American and live in Detroit and assume that the person lives in the ghetto. Also, if you see a white person all dressed up in nice clothes there can be assumption that the person is rich or lives in a nice house. However, it is not a good thing to assume anything about a person. In America, we assume things just like the kids on the mission trip. Whether or not its asking for things or assuming the person is rich or poor. We still make assumptions on people based on their race and it not a good thing to do. However, all these assumptions come from back in the early earlier years in America. Where most property owners where white men and their slaves were colored. Not only does race play a big part where someone’s economic class with regards to where they live, but also plays a big part in