My Writing Process Essay

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I can’t write. I despise the whole writing process in general. I hate writing a rough draft, and planning what I’m going to do. When I write, I like to go with the flow not really considering the grammar and what needs to go into a paper. Despite this, English has always been my best subjects. Looking back at my writing makes me cringe, because I know I can do better. I’m always upset that I’m not enough, or I do too much. I don’t know how to stick with one topic, because I write the way I think. My mind goes from one though to the next, so none of papers make any sense. I guess that’s why the writing process is needed, but it never helps me. I’m stubborn, stuck in my ways. So the writing process just adds more stress, because I am already …show more content…

Well for my situation since I’m so stubborn and stuck in my ways of writing. I tend to forget the importance of formal writing. Being made to write and rewrite my work, gives me the opportunity to better it. The ability to look at your own work in a subjective point of view, will allow one to understand their imperfections in writing. In writing you must have a clear understanding of your subject matter. Which I will have to do efficiently in the future, as a neuropsychologist. Subjecting myself to research, partaking in evaluations, and the clinical papers I will one day fill out will have to be done with formal writing. The way I write now, as the way I talk, will not suffice in that setting. Therefore, being able to practice these formalities will help my future. The essay that displayed my ability to put this initiative into perspective was my second English assignment, in your comp II class. I put effort into my research, and reflected on my writing and the subject matter that I was researching. I had assumed I knew a lot about the Black Lives Matter movement, but there was more to consider. More for me to

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