Mysticism Religious Studies

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Many Universities and research institutions openly discuss the definition of ‘Esotericism’ in order to decide whether it should be studied within religious studies or not. In this essay, it will first define the nature of ‘Esotericism’ and then the reasons of ‘Esotericism’ should be studied within religious studies.

Western mysticism, also known as Western mysticism, Western mystical traditions, and Western Tantric traditions, is a term used to cover certain mystical customs including alchemy, astrology, herbalism, tarot cards, Teach, Hermetism, spiritualism, numerology, kabbalah, ritual magic and other secret legends of the body. It tries to divide all of these things into a coherent piece of work and a theoretical body. Many subjects are …show more content…

The process began in France in 1965 and created a professorship entitled "History of Christian Esotericism" iin the Religious Sciences department of the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes at the Sorbonne. In 1979, the professorship was renamed "History of Esoteric and Mystical Currents in Modern and Contemporary Europe." Therefore, for the first time, esotericism occupies the proper place in the official literature, and is no longer merely a matter of randomness of ad hoc material that is thought to be peripheral to the basic content of the course. In 1980, Hermetic Academy was founded in the United States to promote and deepen the exchange of researchers in the field of mystical research. Today it has a member ship of about 150 people, most of whom have academic relations. The Hermetic Institute is itself a related academic organization of the American Academy of Religion(AAR), one of the largest and most respected professional organizations of religious scholars in North America. From 1986 to 1990, under the heading "Esotericism and Perrennialism Group," members of the Hermetic Academy published papers and participated in panel discussions at the AAR Annual Meeting.42 In the United States, more and more scholars are using " Doctrine "for the title of the conference. There is also a case study of the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, where mysticism is officially recognized as a graduate of religious history(Faivre and Voss 1995). The approval of the status of Esotericism shows that it should be studied within religious