Myth And Synonym Analysis

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Akasha: The fifth element or otherwise known as spirit Besom: A broom. I think it is usually hand crafted with either twigs or hay tied to a stick. I read a cleansing spell that involved one once. Athame: Pronunciation will generally start an argument among the online community. Right next to Samhain in that aspect. It's a knife-like ritual tool. Not usually used for cutting physically. Depends on the practitioner. Merry Meet: Neat greeting. Merry Part: Good wishes when a conversation closes. Synonymous to good bye. So Mote It Be: Kind of think of it as a "It will happen" or a "So it will be". Nice way of ending a spell or prayer. The Witch's Hammer: 99.99% certain this is the same book as Der Hexenhammer. Which was basically a formal manual written in the middle ages about the proper ways of prosecuting "witches". …show more content…

I associate this with taking away. Deosil: Clockwise. I associate this with giving. Rede: Synonyms would be recommendation or advice. The first thing I think of in this context example wise would be the Wiccan Rede. Skyclad: To be naked, I've only heard this term used in a ritual context. Pentagram: A five pointed star. What kids draw in the sky to show that it's night-time in their pictures. Each of the points can stand for a different element. Pentacle: Usually is a pentagram with a circle around. Though as long as there are sigils closed within a circle it can be considered a pentacle. Law of Three: Whatever energy one puts out it will come back three fold. Generally Wiccans follow that philosophy. Harm None: The bare sum of the Wiccan Rede. Hex: Generally to cast a spell on someone. Curse: A spell with not-so-good