
Myth Of Poverty Essay

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Famous writer Eli Khamarov once said, “Poverty is like punishment for a crime you didn’t commit.” Destitution, extreme poverty, is all too common in American society. Unfortunately, there is a common myth that poverty is consistently caused by the individual. Whether it be because of their lack of work ethic, criminal background, or bad life choices; guilt is traditionally assigned to those impoverished. The current structure of society, in combination with the lack of action to close the economic gap, creates a system set up to work against those suffering from poverty, ultimately preventing potential advancements and unity in society. Despite the common stigma, the real reason for poverty is lack of resources, lack of education, and unfortunate …show more content…

A news report from the Salvation Army mentions the shared belief of this myth across America by stating, “...some 27 percent of Americans said they believe people are poor because they are lazy, not due to economic circumstances”. The truth in the myth is revealed if a person is given the opportunity and ability to maintain a steady job, yet chooses not to out of pure laziness. However, it is unreasonable to claim that this is the origin of poverty as a whole. For a small population of those living in poverty, this is true, but for the rest, this myth is invalidating. In order for a person to be able to keep a job, they need to be both physically and mentally capable. Additionally, they also need to be given the opportunity. Education creates opportunity. Unfortunately, as mentioned in the Health. Gov article, the poorer a person is, the fewer opportunities they are given. In order to advance as a society, we need to focus on the true reasons for poverty, and the way we can improve the living conditions of those …show more content…

For example, an educated child coming from a wealthy family may inherit said family’s wealth. They will be able to gain a strong educational foundation, make connections with potential business partners, and learn the needed skills. Compared to an underprivileged child who grew up in a non-supportive and financially unstable environment. The child who grew up in wealth has every ingredient for success. Meanwhile, the child who grew up without wealth is at a severe disadvantage. This example proves how important upbringing relates to the cause of poverty. Lack of education and upbringing set the individual up for failure before even being given the chance. A lack of resources goes hand in hand with a lack of education. For example, if a person is not given access to affordable health care, they are pushed further into poverty. If they are not given access to available jobs they lose the chance to escape poverty. Unfortunate circumstances are also another supporter of poverty. An unexpected death, crippling debt, or economic collapse are all examples of this. By avoiding the true sources of poverty, society strays farther away from finding a

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