Analysis: The Myth Of Tiresias

6923 Words28 Pages The world of myths penned with a patriarchal quill unfolds. The myth of Tiresias begins with a question. A very important question. 'Of man and a woman, who enjoys the greater pleasure? ' Tiresias answers, ' If sexual pleasure could be divided into ten parts, nine of them would be woman 's. ' Having said so, he reveals the greatest secret of womankind. So is this the reason why a woman is a constant object of envy of her male counterpart? History, written by males has been unjust to women. It has degraded her , made her the ultimate wrong doer and what not. Why, Pandora has been the cause of of letting free every every negative emotion that existes in mankind, notwithsatnding that she a curious, hence an intelligent woman. A woman curiosity has not only been rebuffed, frowned upon but is also deemed dangerous. Eve too has been made the scapegoat, responsible for the expulsion of Adam from the Garden of Eden. Simply because she was "lured" by an apple from the forbidden Tree og Knowledge. She in turn,"lures" Adam into committing a sin by making him eat the forbidden fruit. Now this is interesting. Eve, having come out …show more content…

Published in 1756, under the title of Belle et la Bete, by Jeannie-Marrie Leprince de Beaumont, the story is about a sweet "pure" girl who is exchanged for a rose that her father plucked in the beast 's garden. the father had asked the girl what she wanted as a gift before he left for his voyage abroad. the girl asked only for a rose. While returning from his journey the father sees a beautiful rose in a garden, only to find that the garden belonged to a beast , who says that since the afther had plucked his only prized possesion, he must also give him his most prized possession in return . The father, promptly agrees to give him his youngest, docile daughter. The daughter in turn finds that the beast was actually a handsome young prince who came to love her to the point of