Mythical Creatures In Dracula

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In a quote by Julia Golding, she ventures on the idea of mythical creatures by saying, “There is no mythical creatures, just creatures man ran into hiding.” Mythical creatures have been talked about for centuries all over the world. Some of the most talked about creatures today are: vampires, werewolves, and mermaids. In ancient times these creatures were believed in by most, now these creatures cause disputes between people on whether they exists or not. Vampires are the most commonly heard within our time. It seems like the world today is infatuated with the idea of vampires, while having so little knowledge of where they came from. Though there are many theories, some make more sense than others. According to the Royal Mint Publishing LLC, …show more content…

As said above the only real characteristics a vampire had once turned were: immortality, speed, strength, and the ability to drink the blood of animals. All these characteristics made them perfect for hunting. In today’s society the idea and traits of vampires have evolved to a list of new features. When a writer, Bram Stoker, created Dracula in 1879 it was told that he could not see his own reflection in the mirror because, “…he is a reflection of the culture around him” (Erick Nuzum). While this film was popular then, it created various traits to a vampire that was never known before. The movie Dracula takes place in Transylvania, and because of that small detail it has created an idea that most to all vampires is located in that region in central Romania. It is also well known that Count Dracula was based on a real person, who wasn’t a vampire but was so evil and cruel that they nicknamed him Dracula as it translates to “son of the devil.” The evilness of the character, along with the name “son of the devil,” led people to believe that vampires are cruel, soulless and evil creatures, though it was never stated in the original stories of vampires. Another trait that has been invented is the idea of vampires in human form being able to morph into the form of a bat. The thought of vampires being able to turn into bats can also be traced back to the Dracula movie as well. According to, Bram stoker used the concept in his movie, Dracula, yet it can still be traced back further, to the point where there is no real answer to the question of who connected vampires to bats. Various people in society have made an assumption that the connection came from the vampire bat itself. Due to the name and the fact that the bats drink actual blood from animals, it gave an easy gateway to connect the two. In other cases, various television shows and movies through out the