
Nails Before Oxidation Lab

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Carbonated water is carbon dioxide gas pressurized into water. This carbonated drink serves as a drink to many people. This beverage has many names; sparkling water, seltzer water, mineral water, and club sodas. In some countries, many people drink sparkling water instead of the traditional drink. Many of the drinks are “unflavored”; however, there are many variations of flavors to this carbonated drink. The water gets its “fizz” is due to the pressurizing carbon dioxide and then dissolved into water. This process is called “carbonization” and allows the water to effervescent. This is the escape of gas bubbles upon opening drinks. These example is most often shown when opening shaken wine or soda. Liquids have …show more content…

Before the corrosion, the nails were smooth and shiny. I also weighed each nail so I could find the weight change.

To my surprise, each nail does not weigh the same. I thought, because nails are made by a factory, the weight of the nails would stay consistent. Even though the weights were different by the 100ths of a gram, each weight needs to be precise for the experiment to work. I used a balance to weigh each nail. The fact I used a machine helped solidify my data.

For each test tube rack, I took a “before” picture to compare each transformation. The changes will be easily seen due to the fact I used water. The clear substance allows for an easy observation. The nails still looked shiny in the acidic/ basicity …show more content…

I expected a change even at the 100ths gram level; however, that did not happen. Even though there was not a weight change, I know there was a reaction of oxidation due to the physical appearances of the nails. The only proof I have of the nails going through the process of oxidation is the pictures provided below.

11: Test Tube Rack pH 11 (After) There is little change the provided picture; however, I know this is due to the amount of time I was given to oxidize the nails. When creating this IA, I imagined I would have more time to conduct this experiment. However, due to uncontrollable outside influences, my time was restricted. I know for a fact with more time, there would have been stronger evidence of oxidation. pH Level Description
3 Signs of Oxidation at the top and bottom of the test tube with many air bubbles
The top and the bottom of the nail turned orange
At the surface of the water was a thin layer of orange material
5 Signs of Oxidation at the top and bottom of the test tube
The top and the bottom of the nail turned orange
At the surface of the water was a thin layer of orange material
7 Signs of Oxidation at the top and bottom of the test tube
The nail darkened and left some black residue on nail
9 Clear & No Signs of

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