Najmah Quotes With Page Numbers

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(MIP-1) Najmah is first effected by the Taliban taking away Baba-jan and Nur. (SIP-A) She is very childish in the beginning while Baba-jan and Nur are still with her. (STEWE-1) Najmah has to fetch wood because her mother is pregnant and Nur teases her about her fear of leopards, “But I really am convinced a large animal with long, pointed teeth is waiting to pounce on me. I am terribly afraid of leopards, although I have never seen one I my life. Mada-Jan reminds me of this every time I complain that Nur has told me he's heard one roar” (Staples 6). This quote shows how she has many childish fears because she has never seen leopards but is afraid of them. (STEWE-2) After this Baba-jan believes that Nur is better at carrying water to the house, “I want to tell him that I can carry as much water as Nur, who is not much bigger, and as quickly, too...But I bit the inside of my cheek and say nothing” (Staples 9). …show more content…

This also describes how she is childish and not ready to take responsibilities. (SIP-B) Later after the Taliban take them away she becomes more responsible and fears the real monsters. (STEWE-1)Najmah has to take care of her mother because her mother is grieving, so Najmah has to take care of her, “I have forgotten my childish quarrels with Nur--I am no longer angry with him for scaring me about the leopards, and for saying I can't carry water as far as he can” (Staples 37). This shows that she is maturing and forgiving him even though he teased her. Later on she still has to bring the animals to feed, “I no longer think of leopards at all. I am more worried about leaving my mother and baby brother alone in the house with the possibility that the Taliban might return looking for more food” (Staples