Naked Bum Analysis

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Acknowledgements Thanks to Justin Timberlake’s naked bum on Friends With Benefits, I somehow had a light bulb moment on how I would start my story. (Although it was actually Mila Kunis who offered more beer in the movie, but hey, it’s Mila Kunis vs Justin Timberlake’s naked bum; and I am just a girl with much vulnerability to JT’s bum. Haha, kidding ) Thanks, too, to the genius person on Tumblr who asked the question If a clock could count down to the moment you meet your soulmate, would you want to know? Although I did not see the actual post. I only saw it while surfing through Pinterest one lazy Sunday afternoon. (Awesome stories with the same question as the writing prompt on this link: …show more content…

To my parents, who Most of all, to God, for giving me the life, the strength of mind, and the time to write this story. Dedication For BAEmax (May we share the more ticks of our clocks together) This is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Also, just because this is fiction doesn’t mean this can’t happen in a parallel universe. Fate If a clock could count down to the moment you meet your soulmate, would you want to know? I. THE CLOCK More beer? Try …show more content…

I believe was also seven that time. Your mom’s clock restarted? she asked in amazement. Yeah. Since my dad sort of died, he shrugged. Sort of died? Look, let’s not delve into that too much, ok? Sure. But, really, your mom’s clock restarted? So does that mean she had more than one soulmate? So there is really isn’t just one for each of us? Oh, shut up. I don’t believe in this stupid soulmate clock anyway. And I still don’t understand why our ancestors thought it was cool to have this clock embedded in our body. It’s just stupid! You can’t really live your life normally. And people stop having bigger dreams... O. K. But you can’t say the clocks have not done any good. See, lower divorce rates, less heartaches… Yeah and more people thinking they could just sit back and wait for their soulmates to meet them without having to improve on their own selves. How’s that for laziness, huh. Whatever. I still believe in the clocks. Even if yours is defective? Yep. Even if mine AND yours are defective. Real bummer though, guys do not want to date me because they’re afraid I already found my guy. Yeah. And most of the time I only get to have one-night stands. Those that last more than one night freak out when they learn my clock’s all in zeros. They think I’m