Napoleon Bonaparte Research Paper

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Napoleon was a man with great potential and the initiative to make his future as bright as he could. He was born August 15, 1769 in Paris, France. Stated in Napoleon Bonaparte “Napoleon I is one of the most famous military and political leaders of History.”. He was born without power and wealth, so his mother helped him by committing adultery with the French Military governor. Due to this Napoleon was able to attend a military board school. Napoleon was a bright student and was commissioned as an Artillery Officer. After his father’s death he quickly finished school in the next year instead of the three required years. Napoleon used the revolution as a way to advance himself socially in France. He was promoted to Brigadier General at the …show more content…

A group of disaffected republicans supported by royalists planned to take over the general assembly. On that Day Barras asked Napoleon to take charge of this group and take over the country. On the day he assembled his new army he could see the lack of discipline brought by low pay and insufficient food and equipment. Standing there above his troops he beckoned, ”Soldiers, you are naked, badly fed.…Rich provinces and great towns will be in your power, and in them you will find honour, glory, wealth. Soldiers of Italy, will you be wanting in courage and steadfastness?” stated in Jacques Godechot’s Napoleon I. Napoleon is trying to tell them that at this moment forward they will be praised by their country and will be cared for as an army should. Soon Napoleon appoints himself First consul and one of his first actions stated in the article Dudgale-Pointon’s Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), “He was 30 years old and a victor in a dozen battles with a great military record, now to maintain the power he had usurped he needed more victories. During the winter of 1799-1800 Napoleon raised a new army at Djion and planned to strike against his old enemies the Austrians in Italy once again.” After these successful battles for the French Napoleon was appointed First consul for life and was becoming more of a dictator, and named Napoleon I, Emperor of