The animals skeptically peeked through the windows, as they tried to piece the puzzle together. It was almost as though seeing Master Napoleon in this fashion, on two legs, balancing a beer in one hand, and a cigar in the other, surrounded by man, had brought consciousness of just how much he replicated Mr Jones.
“And Comrades, we shall work to concur the rest of the animals in England. We will soon have complete and utter control of their lives, as they work to their bone’s strength, and as we enjoy the fruits of their hard labour!” he proclaims as the men take to their feet in an uproar.
This had really done it. Understanding Napoleon’s evil intentions was no big feat, even for the less intelligent animals. The animals’ turned to each other,
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One by one, the farm animals had chased all the tyranny away from their lives.
Time passed. The animals celebrated their defeat in “The Battle of Freedom,” and they worked hard to wipe out any sign of Napoleon’s existence. Although, they did not have any logical reason as of yet to despise Napoleon, they had known that he had demonized Old Major’s message and that could not be
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Why had Napoleon kept him as a prisoner for all this time? Why had he not betrayed the animals like the other dogs had? The animals had also felt a little afraid, thinking that this was another one of Napoleon’s plans to harm them, as they had become paranoid because of all the suffering they faced at the hands of Napoleon. The dog introduced himself. His name was Robbie. He explained to them that Napoleon had locked him up because he was threatened by his goodness and the fact that he wasn’t as easy to manipulate as the other animals.
Gradually, he uncovered all of Napoleon’s secrets. The small keyhole was his only way to the outside world - Napoleon’s cruel world to be precise. He told them about the way he took credit for Snowball’s ideas, then had him assassinated, the way he had been a corrupt leader from the very beginning, the way he had Boxer sent to the knackers, the way he had Old Major’s commandments altered to serve him, and the way that all he ever wanted was power to rule over all animals.
The animals sat in complete silence, unable to comprehend that all this was happening before their own eyes. All the suspicions regarding Robbie vanished. In fact, he was now a