
Narrative Essay About Fishing Research Paper

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Fishing has always been a hobby of mine since I was very young. I really got into fishing over this summer and caught a few really nice fish, I mean by then I was pretty much a pro.(Humor) The other day I was fishing at my friends house and I didn’t really know if they had very big fish or not. So I decided to use just a little Senko (a rubber/plastic worm) because I am better at using them. The thing is I had never fished there before so I had no idea what to expect. But it was beautiful with the water as smooth as glass, the air so crisp and cold, the silent fog slowly walking across the water(Personification), and the nice refreshing smell of nature.(Specific Details for Effect)
I cast it really far out to a brush pile, and the lure was about a quarter of the way in and I felt a tap tap tap. So I decided to set the hook, and I had something really big on it was so big I thought it was a cement block just pulling my line out …show more content…

I was so excited because it was the biggest bass I have ever seen and I got it really close to the shore, and my friend ran over and tried to pull it in a little further which he did. I felt so happy it was one of those I-can’t-believe-what-just-happened-moments.(Hyphenated modifiers) As my friend went down to grab it the line just snapped(Onomatopoeia). I didn’t even know that the line snapped because I was way too excited. But it did and my friend wouldn’t grab it because he didn’t know where the hook was so it swam away. I was so upset that I just looked into the water, I was so upset that I couldn’t even talk, I was so upset that I just felt no need to fish.(Magic Three) Say as if something that was extremely important to you was lost, then you would feel how I felt. So I decided I was just going to sit and do nothing.(Expanded Moment) And I can bet you that even though things like this happen I’ll still be fishing till I’m old.(Full-Circle

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