Tyler J. Corstange: A Personal Narrative Of My Life

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I, Tyler J. Corstange, was born May 4th, 2004, at Bronson Hospital in Kalamazoo, Michigan. I’m 11 years old and I go to Gull Lake Middle School. I have two sisters Maddie and Grace, one brother Owen, and a dog named Buddy. My dad’s name is Jeff and my mom’s name is Laura. We love to play sports, argue with each other and we don’t like to wear shoes. I have had many important adventures in my life that includes sports, fishing and hobbies. One of my favorite things to do is play sports with my friends, family, and the teams I play for. The club team I have played for, for four years is TKO. Recently TKO combined with River Oaks so now we call our club Midwest United. My little sister Grace play’s for Kingdom with my little cousin Taygan. She play’s U8 which is for 7 or 8 year olds. I play U13 which is for 12 or 13 year olds. My dad is the Gull Lake girls soccer coach. He has won three straight state titles in his three years in his four years of coaching. After this year it will be five years of coaching. …show more content…

About 3 or 4 years ago my two cousins and I went deep sea fishing with are dads. We went so far off the coast of Florida you couldn’t see land at all. When we got back ( I was the only one who caught a shark he was a small Hammerhead) from the fishing trip we went back to our condo. Since then I have never caught a shark. However about one year ago my grandma and grandpa bought a house on Gull Lake so that’s where I fish now. Whenever i’m over there I grab my fishing pole and start fishing. I have caught a lot of Sunfish in my days of fishing. They have a black dot on both sides that’s how I know when I have caught a

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