Personal Narrative: Marley And Me

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My full name is Mikayla Camille Brookins. I was born in Bowie, Maryland on June 11th 1996. I transferred to DePaul University from my local community college. I have an older brother named Michael Brookins that is a junior attending DePaul university as well. My major at DePaul is Economics, I plan to be a Foreign Service Worker or work for a major corporation. After my undergrad year I plan to serve in the PeaceCorp, and after my two-years is over I just want to travel and experience other cultures. My family all have a name that starts the letter “M”. I have a dog named Marley, based off the movie “Marley and Me”. In my free time I like to cook and scrapbook, and watch movies. Growing up my family made movie night an important things because it was our family bonding time. So, I remember my parents always taking me and my brother to the movies or …show more content…

I have seen too many great movies, so I don’t really have a favorite. If I had to choose a movie series it would be “The Mummy” and “The Matrix”. Both these movies have the best graphics that I have seen in movies, the Matrix more than The Mummy. Also, I like how the story is too long and complicated for just one sitting, so they had to break the movie up into a series. Both movies have great actors and actress, like in The Matrix the cast consisted Keanu Reeves and Laurence Fishburne. Those two are acting legends and always make captivating movies. The Matrix was a graphic based movie because it was humans against machines. I don’t know a lot about making movie but I’m sure that it took them along time to get the set up perfect, so it looked like humans were interacting with machines. In The Mummy, they had the same problem trying to making the interactions between mummy and humans real. The Mummy cast had Rachel Weisz, Brendan Fraser, and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnsons. The rock was able to break out of the Mummy series and start a new series “The Scorpion

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