Personal Narrative: The Birth Of Autumn Leah Oseman

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The Birth of Autumn Leah Oseman My found out that she was pregnant with me in April of 1997. While my mom was at church one Sunday, one of her friends, Rochelle, came up to her and told her that she was pregnant. My mom denied that she was pregnant because at the time she really didn’t know that she was pregnant with me. During that week, my mom kept thinking about what Rochelle had told her, so my mom decided to take a pregnancy test. The test came back positive, so my mom called her doctor to make an appointment to get it confirmed. The following Sunday my mom came to church and told Rochelle that she was right. Rochelle was the first person that my mom told about the positive pregnancy test. The second person that my mom told was my dad. …show more content…

on January 26, 1998. I weighed six pounds and seven ounces. I was nineteen inches long. I came out completely bald. I cried a lot; it turned out that I had the colic. I was a good baby except for the crying and the fact that I did not want to sleep in my own bed. Around the age of four months I started scooting on my butt; I never crawled just scooted until I could walk. I started walking when I was ten months old. When I was a year old, I also had to have my urethra stretched, due to urine black flow. My favorite baby foods were carrots and bananas. My least favorite baby foods were squash and plums. I loved my bottle and my pacifier. My favorite toy was my baby keys. My favorite activity to do was to swing in my little pink swing. I loved to go to my grandparent’s house because they would give me 7-Up. I also loved it when my nana babysat me. My favorite show to watch was the Teletubbies. My mom remembered that during the pregnancy Bill Clinton was president, but he was impeached in 1998. Gas prices were around $1.10 a gallon. Janet Jackson and Shania Twain were popular in the music industry. Princess Diana died in August of 1997. The movie Titanic was released in December of 1997. The Teletubbies also came out in 1997. She also remembered that the movie Mulan came out in 1998. There was also a school shooting in Arkansas in