Narrative Essay: Audrey's Loss Of Identity

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Audrey was laying on her queen bed, that had gray covers, and a smell of lavender when she heard a noise coming from downstairs. She knew it could not be her mom, due to that fact that she had gone to live in Italy with her boyfriend. Audrey’s father, well he is no longer apart of her life, in other words, dead. She stayed on her bed thinking about whether she should or not go check what it was. Audrey grabbed her gray Iphone 6 and pressed on the flashlight icon from her phone, and headed downstairs. She got a phone call while she was going down the stairs that said, “No Caller ID”. Audrey answered, but the only thing she would hear was heavy breathing from the other side. Once she was about to step on the last stair, she saw that all the …show more content…

Right when Audrey was about to go back to her bedroom, she was grabbed by 2 guys. She tried to defend herself and escape, but couldn’t. Audrey ended up being tied in the back of a van and blacked-out. She woke up after 1 hour and a half and saw nothing, but a mirror. Audrey looked at herself in the mirror and saw herself, long straight black hair and freckles on her face. She started panicking and sweating, since she had claustrophobia (fear of being in a small room). Audrey started screaming loudly and one of the guys entered and said, “Glad you are awake, we have been waiting.” The guy was tall and had a comb over. His name was Benji. He took Audrey to another room where the other guy was located. The room was pretty empty, there was just a phone on top of a cardboard box, and a chair. “Hi Audrey, my name is Mario, you are here because we need money and we both know your mom has that.” “You see the plan is to call your mom, and ask for 20 thousand in exchange for you.” said Mario “I doubt it that my mom would give you that much just to keep me safe, I haven’t even talked to her in 8 months.” said

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