
Narrative Essay On Breastfeeding

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After 26 hours of painful labor that, in the end, led to an emergency c section, I finally met my son. I will never forget that day. I remember shaking to the point that I could not hold my son and I was anesthetized from my breasts down to my feet for 3 hours, and I was higher than a kite (due to the medication). Despite all that the nurse placed my son on my chest so I could feed him minutes after being brought back into the recovery room. I still did not have my milk supply, but the nurse kept encouraging me to keep trying. I was feeling so overwhelmed that I just wanted to scream. By day two I still was not producing any milk or colostrum. My son was screaming with hunger pains and the nurses urged me to keep trying to feed him from my breasts, because “breast is best”. After hearing my son scream for hours, I could no longer take it anymore and demanded to have formula immediately. The morning nurse was the only one that agreed it was for the best interest of my to have a formula because after weighing him she noticed that he was losing weight. I think back about how it felt during that time and I honestly have to say that I felt inadequate because I was really determined to breastfeed. There was so much pressure about …show more content…

It is a very demanding job. I was literally a walking food machine for 3 months. On top of that, my son was struggling with weight gain (but it was not due to my supply). I kept breastfeeding my son until he was 3 months old. Here we are now at 4 months, and my supply has dropped. I followed the instructions that were provided to me by the clinic to a tee and yet I barely was producing enough milk . At this point, I don’t care anymore, I went and bought formula and now I use formula and breast milk. My child is gaining more weight now than before when he was strictly on breast milk. My son is happy and he is also reaching all his milestones (some earlier than others). Go

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