Narrative Essay On Firefighters

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About a couple of months ago a little girl, about 5 years old, started to scream. Because she was screaming people came outside to see what was going on with the little girl. Cops showed up to see what all of the commotion was. Doors were being knocked on to alert them that they are going to figure out what was going on. Everyone was calling people around them to see if they knew what was going on. Firefighters showed up after the police got there to see if they could help. Gathering around the girl they still couldn’t figure out what was going on. Henry, the father of the girl came running down the street once he found out it was his daughter. In the middle of the screaming she finally stopped just to get a breath. Just because this little girl was screaming she had everyone …show more content…

Needing to figure out what was wrong with his daughter he took her to to nearest hospital. Obviously, more people were staring because the girl was just screaming uncontrollably. Putting her dad into embarrassment the little girl finally stopped screaming. Qualifying for an MRI and other testing done they were at the hospital for a very long time. Reaching for something to grab she fell off of the table and landed on her head. Stopping the blood flow from the girls head, they took her to the emergency room to be checked out, they did surgery, and then again took more test and another MRI. Testing her more`and more they finally figured out what was wrong with her, she had a mental illness but the fall helped out her head. Unable to understand what just happened, the father had many questions for the doctors. Valued opinions were appreciated by the many doctors that looked at his daughter's MRI’s. Waiting patiently the father never once left the young girl by herself unless she was with someone that he trusted, and that wasn’t many people. Xylotomous birds were outside the window and the little girl felt safe with them

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