
Mayan Short Stories

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Present I knew it was her! It had to be her! This was my only chance to have her back. Following the family to the car, I quickly rushed in my car, and followed them to see where they were heading. They came to a halt in front of a beautiful two-story ranch style house with a playground and a few toys scattered across the yard. I stayed in my car, so they wouldn't notice me. As they got off, a man was carrying a little girl. Or to be more specific, my little girl. That was my daughter, who I have not seen in years. Then a woman appeared... In the car, I kept trying to talk myself out of my plans, but then I felt my heart ache for my daughter. She was the only thing I had left. With my mind made up, I decided to go through with my plans, tonight. 7 …show more content…

Why would someone do that? She even had a funeral for my Lillian. Of course, I didn't attend. I know Maya was just making all of this up. So she can take Lillian away from me. She had this all planned out. Little did Maya know, I had a plan myself. Tonight, while everyone is sleeping, I am going to take Lillian back. I have planned this for quite some time now. They have a window that is next to the playground open at all times. That one leds to the living room. Where I could take the stairs that leads me to Lillian’s room. Once I have gotten inside the house, I bolted to her room. I cracked the door open as slowly as I could. She was sound asleep. As I was trying to pick up Lillian, she was stirring in her sleep. Once I managed to carry her, she started to wake up. I quickly hushed her, and scurried to the door. I could distantly hear sirens coming from down the street. The noise grew louder, louder until they were surrounding me. Maya and her husband came rushing out of the house, eyes darting in concern. The police officer did not let Maya get Lillian, for it would be too dangerous. Pfft, me dangerous,

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