Nathaniel Hawthorne Young Goodman Brown

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At a quick glance, the story “Young Goodman Brown,” by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a story about a young Puritan boy losing his faith due to the evilness around him. Everyone who he thought was pure, innocent, and saved turned out to be sinners and liars. Themes, such as loss of innocence as well as the evilness of mankind is evident throughout the story, but one message that sticks out strong is the concept of Puritanism. According to Thomas Connolly, the writer of “Hawthorne’s Young Goodman Brown”: An Attack on Puritanic Calvinism,” he states that “This story is Hawthorne’s criticism of the teachings of Puritanic Calvinism,” (375). Throughout the story the things that the Puritans preached and believe in contradicted the actions that they conducted.