National Parks: The Importance Of The National Park System

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The National Park system has a beauty that is unrivaled, from the million years of history hidden in the red rock of the grand canyon, to the rivers, lush green forest and volcanic presence of Yellowstone National Park. The park system has always fought for its right to its own land and was even supported by the Republican party for a long time. Some of this land has been protected by Republican president Teddy Roosevelt, he protected more than 350,000 square miles of wilderness over a hundred years ago, by signing the Antiques Act in 1906. National Parks should be protected because they preserve wildlife, iconic landmarks and are a premier tourist destination. The government is trying to sell away parts of the parks to help cut down on national …show more content…

The park system even reduces stress and has a great mental impact. “Research on the benefits of contact with the natural environment show that it is likely to have a significant positive psychological effect, serving to reduce stress, anger, frustration and aggression”(Why are national parks important). With the stress filled lives that we live it is good to have a way of taking time out and relaxing. The park system helps people relax and take time out of their lives and it makes people forget about the outside world. “ national parks are important sanctuaries where people can take time out, enjoy nature, get fit, relax and revitalise”(Why are national parks important). Parks also help with physical health, parks have bike, hiking trails that you can enjoy from a quick one hour hike to an eight- hour hike. Whatever the reason to go to the park system is it will benefit in the …show more content…

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