Native American Culture Summary

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Ta-Nehisi Coates connects his learning of the french language with being black and growing up in a black culture. He talks about the fact that aquiring a foreign language is hard and the fact that his classmates were in the main high-achieving college students. Him and his classmates had no difference in work ethic but they had something over him. They were in a culture of Scholastic achievers. The way they had this was because they had these skills throughout their whole lives. He then goes to talk about how many black children in america including himself did not grow up in a culture like this. People around him were not of scholastic high achievement nor were they awarded for the amount of knowledge they had as the classmates culture would. Coates says that when he would carry around …show more content…

Coates says “One aim of the American policy, historically, has been to insure that the “right people” are rarely black.” He goes on to talk about how the President has said about the Native American culture to tell us Blacks and Native Americans should be more like Jews and Asian Americans that don’t complain as much, but Coates goes to say how could you say such a thing about how those other races can speak on such an issue when they haven’t been persecuted in America like the African American race has endured slavery with countless years and the wrath of white supremacists using fences to keep the community separated. White people created rules for the Cherokee Nation when they invaded their land for them to be acceptable to them and the be apart of their culture they had to abide by their terms. The Cherokee embraced the west culture and even integrated some of the western culture. Moreover as coates says “The wolf has never much cared whether the sheep were cultured or