Native Americans Sparknotes

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The topic of Amusents is the perception of white people and how they conflict racism with their thoughts and turning into violent behaviors. The main character who is an Indian feels the need to “Hide behind their Indian teeth” in order to seem “normal” and fit in with the others, who have more privilege. The recurring names the native americans are called in the story are very prejudiced, which therefore shows the topic of racism. Racism throughout this short story deeply affects the characters through mocking “indian noises” and also feeling like they arent aloud on their own land. By focusing on Native American struggles in the short story Amusements, demonstrates how white people could get away with things back then that were cruel and …show more content…

We wear fear now like a turquoise choker, like a familiar shawl.” The transition of change doesn't happen towards them, no matter who they are, they are still the same people they are thought to seem as too others. Turquoise can be used to protect from dangerous storms, and the white people can be seen as infuriating, powerful, and cruel. When Sadie and Victor attempt to hurt Dirty Joe, he runs and hides in the mirror maze which starts to scroll through his thoughts of being different. : Crazy mirrors I thought, the kind that distort your features, make you fatter, thinner, taller, shorter… “The Indian who offered up another Indian like some treaty.”(58) The conception of changing yourself for others deteriorates the “concept” of racism, and defeats the voices of who those who want to be “normal” Amusements by Sherman Alexie takes characters that seem very normal, until they start to hurt a Native American man, but it is perceived as “normal” and “fun” too them. But attempting to put the Native American man on a rollercoaster who is passed out, is very …show more content…

Victor and Sadies personal characteristics with being defined as beautiful and white, but the Indian is described as “dirty” and “unwelcome” In the consulted way of how the white people discriminate who are different, Victor is portrayed as a authority figure and Sadie helps to damage Dirty Joes reputation, while mocking him with all the other white people.He points out that theyll be relaxing with their perfect life without the Indians, and too get rid of them for good, the Indian tried to fight back but just ended up getting beaten and ran away.Victor describes “ Dirty Joe was no warrior in the old sense. He got his name because he cruised the taverns at closing time, drank all the half empties and never cared who might have left them there.”(54) Victor is describing how Indians just would take the scraps because they wouldnt have enough money or personal freedom to go out and buy drinks without being hate crimed